
Everyone preys on you 所有人都指望着剥削你 Just let yourself be a fool 只能让自己做个傻子 Just getting numb and running in a loop 只好麻木地跳进死循环 And I know it's been enough 我知道我受够了 And I know how to break them down ...

如果有人对你说“You are a real blinkard”,那你可注意啦,对方并不是认为你眼神不好,而是在diss你的智商。 英语中有很多委婉表达“某人很蠢”的句子,比如最常见的,the light is on but...

Once upon a time you dressed so fine You threw the bums a dime in your prime, didn't you? didn't you? People'd call, say, "Beware doll, you're bound to fall" You thought th...

"You must forgive Stuart. He was never loved as a child. Or as an adult。"(Vicious) “请原谅斯图尔特,他童年缺爱。或者成年也是……”(《极品基老伴》) 适用场合:随时随地。 可能...

U can U up 典型“Chinglish”(中式英语)逆袭,该词被收入到美国俚语字典。翻译过来很好理解:“你行你上”意欲表达对于毫不费力的看客、说风凉话的伪评论家的嘲讽。比较有名的应用是今年...

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